Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Way of Heaven on Earth: The Angel of Purification and Destruction Part III

 Manhattan Project Trinity Explosion

Revelation. 18:2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

The land has become unclean, the land has become a hold, and a magnet for evil spirits, polluted, possessed with negative and malicious energy, like a haunted house. Who can dwell in a haunted house? No one, it’s too chaotic, and dangerous. So who can dwell in a land that’s full of evil spirits that possess people, manipulate thoughts, and move the people to evil? The people of the land perform harmful actions, and commit destructive behavior, including self-destructive behavior.

 I must add this, that when I say evil I mean evil in reference to, and in the cosmology of the Holy Bible. Outside of the Bible’s truth of existence, evil becomes a relative concept, because evil could mean different things in accordance with different religions, and according to different philosophical systems. Evil is everything in opposition to the way of heaven, which is the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the Holy Bible.  The Holy Bible is the focal point of all understanding, and truth.  

Leviticus. 18:25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

The angels of destruction come in to clean the land, when it becomes polluted, and can’t be purified. The same goes for an individual, or a country.

Greek Riots
A land has clean spirits and unclean spirits, unclean spirits are likened to sickness, or phelm, when you have too much on your chest, you lungs will convulsively force the phelm out to preserve itself. Wars, famine, and forced migrations are the physical manifestation of spiritual sickness in a land.

Syrian Refugee Camp

Leviticus. 18:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Leviticus. 18:2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your Power (Source of your existence; Tutelary)

 Leviticus. 18:3 After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.

Do not live like, or imitate the culture, customs, or lifestyles of the Egyptians, or the Canaanites, and do not establish a legal system like theirs, or imitate their ordinances, their laws. The same can be said today, though Israelites are scattered across the world, while living in exile in countries like the United States, or Britain, or Africa, or Russia, or France, or Saudi Arabia, they should be mindful of the mainstream culture and lifestyles they live around. They should not follow after the lifestyles, or religions of the cultures of the world. Keep the laws of heaven written in the Holy Bible as best as you can, which if you do, you shall live in them. They are way of life, a mindset, a lifestyle, which is a physical expression of the way of order in heaven.

Leviticus. 18:4 Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your Power (Tutelary).

Creation of the World; Russian Icon 18th century

Leviticus. 18:5 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes, and my judgments: which if a man do (does) he shall live in (by) them: I am the LORD.

Leviticus. 18:6 None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.

Do not engage in sexual relations with near relatives.                 

Leviticus. 18:9 The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.

Do not engage in sexual relations with your step-sister, this also means do not engage in sexual relations with your step-brother.

Leviticus. 18:15 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son’s wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.

Do not engage in sexual relations with your daughter in law.

Leviticus. 18:16 Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother’s wife: it is thy brother’s nakedness.

Do not engage in sexual relations with your sister-in-law.

Leviticus. 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Do not engage in homosexuality. It’s interesting how the religious in America make such a big show of the law against homosexuality, but never give admonishments against sexual relations with your cousins, or your in-laws, or your step-siblings, that’s because these acts are not considered as sinful to them, and they commit them, if you want proof just observe the common customs, and mainstream culture. Especially talk show television. The Jerry Springer Show became world famous for exposing American culture, and customs. American culture is Egyptian-Canaanite culture. Grecian and Roman culture was a continuation of Egyptian-Canaanite culture.

Leviticus. 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.

Do not engage in sexual relations with any animals.

Covington, GA man charged with animal sex

Leviticus. 20:15 And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast.

Leviticus. 20:16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

The penalty for bestiality is death, for the animal and the man, woman, or child that engages in the act. 

A person wouldn’t have to inquire, or search much in order to quickly learn that these are the customs of the people in the world from one end of the earth to the other. The reason for this, is because these are primarily the customs of the aristocratic priestly class, that govern this present world kingdom, known as Illuminists, Luciferians, Satanists, Aghori, Daoist, Taoist, Wiccan, Pagan, Gnostic, etc.. 
Such things are observed in their rites and rituals, and liturgy. 

These acts are observed in common practice among people, some of who don’t consider themselves to have any particular denomination, or don’t consider themselves to follow any particular liturgy or religion. They don’t seem to understand that ritual is life, and life is ritual.

Leviticus. 18:26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:

Leviticus. 18:27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)

When these acts occur unclean, or demonic energy is created, and drawn to the area, the place, the people, the beasts, and to the land in which it happened. This demonic energy makes the site of the incident defiled or unclean. The actors, the place, and the beasts become demonic portal, or gateways. The land and people become a haunted house, possessed with malicious destructive energy. Actions are not empty, they either draw righteous or unrighteous energy, but many are aware of this fact.   

Leviticus. 18:28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.

 The destroyer came through the land to purge the land from the uncleanliness of the inhabitants that would not be cleansed. Moses came with the destroyer to Egypt, and Joshua came with the destroyer into the Land of Canaan.

Leviticus. 20:22 Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out.

Psalm.24:1 The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.

The planet, and everything on it, including the animals and people belong to the LORD.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:2 As the judge of the people is himself, so are his officers; and what manner of man the ruler of the city is, such are all they that dwell therein.

The legal systems around the world vary from common law to traditional law, but the most influential system of laws is natural law, which is based on Roman law. The Illuminati elite who rule the world are Luciferians, and Satanist. So what does that say about the whole world?

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:8 Because of unrighteous dealings, injuries (injustice), and riches got by deceit, the kingdom is translated from one people to another.

Egyptian Riots

 So why do government fall, why do empires fall? All have fallen short of the glory. No kingdom on earth has attained unto the way of the kingdom of heaven, the everlasting kingdom. The kingdoms of the world follow the ways of man, best captured by the Ancient Babylonian rite system. This includes this present kingdom of Edom, the continuation of the Roman Empire. The aristocratic elite of this present world may be made up of all the ethnicities of the nations, the United Nations being the best example of this, but make no mistake about it Edom is the head of the nations, and ruler of the world.

Forbes May 2013
Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:13 For pride is the beginning of sin, and he that hath it shall pour out abomination: and therefore the Lord brought upon them strange calamities, and overthrew them utterly.

Pride leads to mean-spiritedness. Mean-spirited is a propensity to be mean, selfish, malicious, etc. It’s a spirit on people, and within people that makes them that way. Not following the laws of heaven, leads a person to have this spirit. When a person commits unclean actions you have unclean spirits on you. What people don’t seem to understand is that there is a physics counterpart to the spiritual connection with life. Living in opposition to existential universal principles leads to destruction. The law is a manifestation of existential universal principles. Like light or dark, or dry or wet, these things are absolutes in physical reality.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:15 The Lord hath plucked up the roots of the proud nations, and planted the lowly in their place.

When you observe history, you find that empires were always overthrown by a people that were never expected to overthrow the ruling powers. It is always the people least considered, the lowly. The underdog, the people subjected to the ruling government. Look upon the earth now, what government, what people is lowly or humble towards the Lord? What people will inherit the rule of the next world, the next kingdom?

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:16 The Lord overthrew countries of the heathen, and destroyed them to the foundations of the earth.

Destruction in Persia

Look at the lands of the empires of old, ancient civilizations, and societies, many of them are dust, and sand, completely obliterated.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 10:17 He took some of them away, and destroyed them, and hath made their memorial to cease from the earth.

Many of the ancient societies, and governments are crumbling monuments left as a memorial to remind those that would live after, what happens to the unrighteous. All that is left of the many civilizations of antiquity is dust, and crumbling stone work, but at the time, when these places thrived, and flourished, and were full of sounds, sights, and people, no one would have imagined that dust would be their future. Some places we will never know who lived there, or what went on there, we will never know who they were, or who their descendants if any might be today.

Winged John the Baptist, Museum of Russian Icons

Matthew. 3:1 In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea

Matthew. 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Matthew. 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by prophet E-sai’-as (Isaiah) saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

Matthew. 3:4 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

Baptize means to immerse, to subject to an initiation or an ordeal that purifies and cleanses.
This was John the Baptist’s purpose, to play the part of the angel that prepares the path, the purifying angel. The purifying angel comes to clean you, then, the angel of destruction comes to get rid of anything that didn’t make the cleansing, when the Lord arrives.

Luke. 7:27 This is he, of whom it is written, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. 

John was literally and spiritually the angel of cleansing, the angel of correction. Judea, and the land of Israel, and the scattered nation of Israel became a spiritual wilderness, a barren place where only evil spirits dwelled.

Now if we remember what happened in the Old Testament, and all the admonishments of the Most High Lord, and the prophets, this was the before.

Exodus. 23:20 Behold, I send an Angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 

Exodus. 23:21 Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions: for my name is in him. 

Exodus. 23:22 But if thou shalt indeed obey his voice, and do all that I speak; then I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries. 

Exodus. 23:23 For mine Angel shall go before thee, and bring thee in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites: and I will cut them off. 

Exodus. 23:24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images. 

Exodus. 23:25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.  

Exodus. 23:26 There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days I will fulfill. 

Exodus. 23:27 I will send my fear before thee, and will destroy all the people to whom thou shalt come, and I will make all thine enemies turn their backs unto thee.

In the New Testament we see the after, the aftermath of forsaking the Most High, and his laws. By the time of Christ, in the first century, there was rampant spiritual and physical sickness. There was everything from blindness, to paraplegics, to full demonic possessions, to slavery. Our conditions remain the same up to this present day. The massacre of the Native Americans, The Transatlantic Slave Trade, the Irish Immigration Coffin Ships, are just a few examples.

During the time of Lord Christ purification ritual of the nation of Israel on earth, spiritually and  liturgically everything existed from worship of all the planets, which is the meaning behind worship of the Greco-Roman Pantheon, to Gnosticism, which is worship of man as the image of the universe, to sacred sex, which is the worship of sex as a divine manifestation of the hermaphroditic energies of the universe manifested as man, and woman, then there’s Baalism, which is also mercantilism which is the worship of wealth, money, and materialism, the worship of matter, and the manipulation of the energies of matter for gain. The list goes on and on and on. Israel drowned in their un-cleanliness, and was overcome by the energy of the spirits of uncleanliness. They were given almost totally into the hands of the destroyer. I say almost because the Lord said…

Malachi. 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

The LORD didn't destroy the nation of Israel, neither did he forsake them forever.

Matthew. 3:2 And saying Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

He said clean yourself by the use of the law for your spiritual afflictions; it was also called demonic possessions. Let me clarify something, if you so much as catch a cold, it is as a result of spiritual uncleanliness.

Exodus. 23:25 And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.

Matthew. 3:3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet E-sa-ias (Isaiah), saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

So John was symbolically and spiritually starting the beginning of Israel’s journey on their way back towards the Lord Most High.

This is still happening physically and spiritually. There are remnants of Israel who are publicly speaking in the streets, or on the web, or where ever they may be, that are speaking as John, and reminding Israel to come back to the laws, come back to the way of the Lord Most High. Just as John the Baptist was in the wilderness, they are in the world, the place barren of the spirit of righteousness.

Mark. 1:2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

Matthew. 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

This is the angel of cleansing, the angel of destruction comes after the angel of cleansing, cleanse the man, cleanse the people, cleanse the land, arrange the various lifestyles of the people in accordance to the proper way, make all the wicked lifestyles, which include pagan belief systems, and pagan worship, make them one way, one lifestyle, in conformity to the heaven’s decree and mandate, the laws, statues, and commandments of the Most High Lord. 

The angel of cleansing is also physically manifested by those Israelites speaking in the name YAHAWAH the LORD MOST HIGH and YAHAWASHI the LORD’s Son Jesus Christ, calling Israel to repentance, and remembrance of who they really are, because they have lost themselves in the process of time, being separated from the LORD.

Mark. 1:4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

This is a repeat of the spiritual cleansing that Israel went through in the wilderness after the bondage of Egypt, to remove the evil spirits from them, and release them from their bondage from the evil spirits that had a hold on them. Each time Israel went into slavery, and captivity it was because this is the end result of binding the spirits of darkness to you, by the rites of worship, and observance. Life is ritual, you behave according to what you worship, and when you worship evil spirits, you align yourself with these spirits the end result is always the same, degeneracy, death, and destruction.

You will notice that during the time of Lord Christ, the people could no longer go to the temple for cleansing, and the remission of sins, because the temple, which was supposed to be the place you go to for cleansing, was in need of cleansing. Baptism is the spiritual and physical metaphor for the cleansing ceremony, but is also entails aligning the lifestyle in accordance with the image of the Most High Lord, through the laws, statues and commandments of the Lord, and not just according to the letter of the laws, but in understanding of why the laws existed in the first place.

Lord Jesus Christ simplified the nature of the law.

Matthew. 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy Tutelary with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

Matthew. 22:38 This is the first, and great commandment.

Matthew. 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Matthew. 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

These two commandments are the same, and are the meaning behind ever single law, and the reason for the appearance of every prophet. 

Luke. 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Mean-spiritedness which is the hardness of the heart is what caused men to forsake these commandments, and exists in a man mind’s before any law is broken. Mean-spiritedness first felt for the Most High Lord, then felt for another man, or woman, or child. The spirit of mean-spiritedness exists first, then the mind makes up a reason for the mean-spiritedness to justify the sin. I don’t like ‘him or her cause of this, or cause of that’, and in your mind this spirit in you then justifies the malicious act you will perform upon that person.

Matthew. 15:19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:

Matthew. 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

And because sinning, or harmful, and lawless acts are the common way of human interaction, I mean this in the social, political, economical, spiritual, physical sense, mean spiritedness makes more sense to people than the humility, and charity that one has to have in order to live in the laws of the Lord. Which is why Lord Christ said…

Luke. 10:3 Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves.

You have to keep in mind when dealing with people that mean spiritedness, gossip, strife is going to be common to most people, and living under a humanist, scientific rationalist system of education, flooded with propaganda, which supports unrighteousness lifestyles and behavior patterns keeps it constant. The science systems of the world, which people call religions, promote views of life, whether it is physical, or spiritual, that lead to isolation from the LORD, and engender malice, strife, and sin.

Mark. 13:28 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near:

Mark. 13:29 So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.

What is near is the day of the world’s judgment.

Luke. 13:5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

Except you cleanse your spirit from sins which pollute, the mind, body, and spirit, by changing your lifestyle to conform to the image of the Most High Lord by living in the laws, then the angels of destruction, created by the LORD, and led by Satan, will afflict you till your eventually destroyed.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 39:28 There be spirits that are created for vengeance, which in their fury lay on sore strokes; in the time of destruction they pour out their force, and appease the wrath of him that made them.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 39:29 Fire, and hail, and famine, and death, all these were created for vengeance;

California Wildfires

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus.  39:30 Teeth of wild beasts, and scorpions, serpents, and the sword, punishing the wicked to destruction.

In wicked societies there are murders (innocent killings), theft, rapes, kidnapping, stray bullets, unemployment, inflation, deflation, currency manipulation, and devaluation, rising standards of living that surpasses wages, the famine that economic collapse brings, etc.

Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus. 39:31 They shall rejoice in his commandment, and they shall be ready upon the earth, when need is; and when their time is come, they shall not transgress his word.

They are the LORD’s spirits of purification and destruction, which maintain the conditions on the earth as they now exist. This concerns the events that transpire daily, the daily deaths, and suffering, which are eventually leading into the one day of LORD’s visit of the entire earth.
Life must conform to a certain structure, comparable to a building’s integrity, or structural soundness, whether it’s an individual, or land, a country, or people. That structure or model is the way of heaven on earth.

Apocrypha II Esdras. 16:35 Hear now these things, and understand them, ye servants of the Lord.

Apocrypha II Esdras. 16:36 Behold the word of the Lord, receive it: believe not the gods of whom the Lord spake.

Genius of America; Evil spirits that came over from the Old World
There were unclean, evil spirits that came over to the New World from the Old World with the people. These spirits, or gods are the ancient and modern gods. A god can be construed as anything that influences mankind's behavior, whatever a man considers the authority. In the ancient world, as in the modern world this includes the aristocratic pagan ruling families, ancestor veneration, animism, celebrity worship, the wealthy, astrology, astro-theology, nature worship, the scientific community, the educational associations, the medical associations, academia, and money, to name a few.

Apocrypha Ecclesiaticus 5:15 Be not ignorant of anything in a great matter or small.

A man should be familiar with the events in his environment, and in the world.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:37 Behold, the plagues draw nigh, are not slack.

The plagues are the physical plagues, and all the troubles that are building up in the world.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:38 As when a woman with child in the ninth month bringeth forth her son, within two or three hours of her birth great pains compass her womb, which pains, when the child cometh forth, they slack not a moment:

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:39 Even so shall not the plagues be slack to come upon the earth, and the world shall mourn, and sorrows shall come upon it on every side.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:47 And they that occupy their merchandise with robbery, the more they deck their cities, their houses, their possessions, and their own persons:

The history of Imperialism, and Colonialism, including America is a bloody history of enslavement, genocide, and robbery.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:48 The more will I be angry with them for their sin, saith the Lord.

This history, these acts are being tabulated like indictments, pending judgment.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:49 Like as a whore envieth a right honest and virtuous woman:

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:50 So shall righteousness hate iniquity, when she decketh herself, and shall accuse her to her face, when he cometh that shall defend him that diligently searcheth out every sin upon the earth.

Yahawashi Hamashiyach (Jesus Christ) is here spiritually, but shall come in the flesh again, as the defender of the righteousness of the Most High, the LORD’s right hand man so to speak. Lord Christ is returning in accordance with the will of the Lord Most High to set the earth in accordance to the order and cleanliness of heaven. The LORD is meticulous about sin, which is the spirit of uncleanliness, like weeds in a garden, described by Lord Christ as tares among wheat.

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:51 And therefore be ye not like thereunto, nor to the works thereof.

Don’t live according to the lifestyles and religions of the world, they are all rooted in one system, this ancient science system is the Babylonian science system. This liturgical system wasn’t born there but, it was codified, and centralized there before being scattered across the earth. If you are unfamiliar with this understanding, a good place to start is by researching comparative religions. It is one system with two branches, one branch is based on scientific mysticism, and the other branch is based on scientific materialism, or rationalism.

What I mean by science systems is simple, religions are science. The word religion means system of rites or system of observance. It also means to bind, restrain to hold back. First I’ll deal with the concept of a system of rites and system of observances. You must first keep in mind that life is ritual. Life is ritual. What I mean by that is that we live and perform actions in accordance with what we believe will be either advantageous or disadvantageous effects. The root or the base of our actions is intended for certain physical effects. You do what you do for a reason, this is observance, this is rite, or ritual. So everyday action or behavior is religion, most people just don’t understand what the root base of the cause and effects of their actions are. People like to minimize their idea of religion, rite system, or system of observance. But from the clothes we put on, to what we eat, how we spend our leisure, or labor, is all a system of observance, and ultimately ties into what your belief is, or how you see life, and your place in it.

Now as far as the concept of, to bind, to hold back, to restrain, it’s two-fold. First on a physical level consider that lifestyles bring people together, belief brings people together and makes them a collective, a group. Well when you utilize lifestyle and incorporate belief through systems of conduct and observance you get organization of many, which is control, or restrain. So it can be a method of control of masses of people.

Now second on a spiritual level rites systems are not shallow, empty systems of observance. The ancient science systems were technical systems which enabled practitioners to communicate with spirits, these spirits are the lower spirits that as we have already spoken about, do the bidding of the Most High. When man forsook the Most High, he was given over to be disciplined and afflicted by these spirits who lay on sore strokes. The Most High gave the lower spirits power over the Israel to cause afflictions and troubles, and distresses. Well man in his ignorance decided that if he appeased these evil spirits and not the repent towards the Most High then he could get a better life. This is the cause of the world’s observances of the various deities. The binding comes in when you obey or worship something then spiritually you give it power over you, you bond yourself to it, like spiritual chains. Since life is ritual you will live in such a way that you believe will satisfy that evil spirit. As they said imitation is the best form of flattery. Instead of a physical expression, or manifestation of the spiritual presence of the Most High, you become a physical manifestation of the spiritual presence of the Satan, or Lucifer the evil spirits on the earth. This puts you in spiritual bondage and in a spiritual restraint. The Masonic Tow Cable is a physical representation of this spiritual concept.

The Masonic Tow Cable Used in Initiation Ritual

Apocrypha 2 Esdras. 16:52 For yet a little while, and iniquity shall be taken away out of the earth, and righteousness shall reign among you.

The righteousness reign is the kingdom of heaven. Christ and the elect of the LORD, the noble born of Israel.

John. 12:47 I came not to judge the world.

Christ came first as the angel of purification, the angel of cleansing.

John. 5:22 For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgement unto the Son:

The Most High has placed authority of the execution of his orders into his Son’s hands. So Jesus Christ is over all the spirits, righteous, and wicked. The Elect have inherited this authority under Christ with Christ. When Christ returns he will return as a judge to judge ‘all mankind’, all of the men, women, and children on the earth, according to the laws of heaven. 

Lord Jesus Christ's Ascension

Revelation. 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give to every man according as his work shall be.

John. 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

The Lord wanted you to think about the Son when you think about him. This applies to Lord Christ, and this applies to the Elect with Christ. The Elect are particular Sons of the Lord, they are like Christ, the representatives of the Lord’s righteousness. The Most High wanted his Son, and Sons to be honored like him because they represent him. First and foremost the LORD’s Son whom the world knows as Lord Jesus Christ who has received this honor above all else, and then the elect, noble born of Israel, sons of the LORD, and co-heirs of the rule of the kingdom of heaven, and the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Apocrypha Wisdom of Solomon. 18:11 The master and the servant were punished after one manner; and like as the king, so suffered the common person.

Christ is the master, and the elect, or the noble born of Israel, and the nation of Israel in its fullness, are the servants. They suffer as Christ suffered, which is why the so-called Negro Americans, so-called Native Americans, and various groups of the British Isles, and Europe, like the Balkan Egyptians, and Romani Gypsies, have suffered enslavement, persecution, and exile.

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